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Privacy Policy & Terms of Use


The use of the website  (hereinafter the “Website”) by the visitor/user (hereinafter the “User”) implies his/her unconditional agreement with the present terms of use, applicable to all content, pages, graphics, images, photographs and files included therein. The User is therefore required to read these terms before using the Website and if he/she does not agree with their content, he/she must abstain from using the Website. The User is advised to check these terms periodically for amendments. The continuing use of the Website, even after any amendments have been effected, implies the unconditional acceptance of these terms by the User. By accepting the present terms, the User declares that he/she is aged eighteen (18) or over. If the User’s age is less than eighteen (18) years but more than fifteen (15), he/she is entitled to use the services of the Website solely under the supervision of a parent or other person with parental responsibility. In any other case, the Owner is not responsible for this use. Use of this site implies agreement with the present terms of use.


The entire content of this Website, including but not limited to texts, graphics, photographs, sounds, charts, illustrations, artwork, music, videos and computer code (hereinafter the “Content”), is the intellectual property of the company  hausarch General Partnership (hereinafter the “Owner”) and/or companies of the group to which it belongs, unless otherwise specified, and is governed by national, European Union, and international copyright law.

The logos, names, brands, marks and trademarks (for goods and services) appearing on the Website, belong to the Owner, and/or companies of the group to which it belongs, and/or to persons mentioned as the owners of those rights on the Website, and are protected under the existing legislation on industrial and intellectual property. Other products or services mentioned on the Website and bearing third party marks are their own intellectual and industrial property and therefore such third parties bear the corresponding responsibility.

License Agreement
The Owner encourages the private use of the Website’s Content for personal and corporate access to information, and the use for educational or research purposes. It is strictly prohibited to store, reproduce, republish, transmit or distribute any part of the Content of the Website for commercial purposes or any other use that is not covered in the above paragraph.

The storage, reproduction, republication, transmission or distribution of registered trademarks and trademarks of partner organizations appearing on the Website, is strictly prohibited.

Disclaimers and Internet Liability Limitations
The Owner of the Website takes every necessary step to ensure that all Content and the information displayed on the Website are characterized by accuracy, clarity, completeness, timeliness and availability.

The content of the Website is “as is” and the Owner does not provide any warranty, express or implied, as to the completeness, correctness, timeliness, commerciality, non-infringement or appropriateness of this content for any use, application or purpose.

Under no circumstances, does the Owner guarantee and can therefore not be held anyhow liable, including negligence, for any kind of damage caused to the User from using the Website, which the User makes on his/her own the initiative and with knowledge of these terms.

Furthermore, the Owner assumes no responsibility for any possible damage restoration (positive damage or incurred loss) for Users of our Website or third parties on grounds related to the availability, the use of the Website, any failure of the Website to provide information or any unauthorized third party interventions to information available through the Website.

Every possible effort is made for the smooth operation of the network, but in no case does the Owner guarantee that the operation of the Website or the servers will be uninterrupted or error-free, free of viruses and malicious third-party software, whether this pertains to the Owner’s Website, or to any other third website or server through which the Content is transmitted.

The Owner retains the right to modify the Website’s Content or services, as well as the terms of use, any time it deems necessary and with no prior warning, via a simple announcement on the Website.

By transmitting or uploading any content on the Site, the User grants the Website Owner a permanent, unlimited, irrevocable, incomplete, universal right to: use, reproduce, adapt, present, transmit, distribute and generate derivative works of the content; to create, offer for sale, sell, lease or otherwise distribute such content; and to perform any method by incorporating the content (including the further assignment of any of the above).

Furthermore, the User acknowledges and warrants to the Owner that he/she has the right, title and/or authority to grant such a right to the Owner, who may choose not to publish the content that the User transmits or uploads. If the Owner chooses to publish the content the User transmits or uploads, it may also choose to withdraw the published information for any reason and without prior notice, at the Owner’s discretion.

The Owner may use the information he collects and/or receives in order to avoid illegal activity or activities that threaten its network or jeopardize the provision of the Website.

Cookies are small text files containing information, which are sent by     the website and are downloaded to the User’s personal computer or smart device. These files may contain information on the type of web browser used by each User, the type of computer, operating system, internet provider and other technical information.

Cookies do not damage the User’s computer or mobile device, or the files stored in them, and they do not intervene in any way with any documents or files stored in the computer when the User is visiting the Website. The use of cookies does not reveal the User’s identity, but may lead to the identification of his/her computer.

The Website may use cookies for the following purposes:
(a) Google Analytics To conduct surveys for statistical purposes and/or to improve the Content and services of the Website and/or to measure its effectiveness.
(b) Social networking Cookies are placed by social networking site providers in order to enable the visitor to easily share the Content of the Website via these sites.

Most web browsers accept the use of cookies by default, but it is possible for the User to set his/her browser to deny receipt or selectively accept certain cookies. If the User disables the receipt of cookies, certain features provided by the Website may be unavailable, while some pages may not display correctly.

The creation of a hyperlink to the Website’s web pages is permissible as long as it is not used to mislead the consumer or cause damage to the image of the Owner or to the companies of the group to which it belongs and provided it does not present the contents of the Website as part of another web site (such as framing techniques). In addition, the use of the Owner’s logos and the logos of the group of companies to which it belongs, as posted on the Website, is not permitted for the creation of a hyperlink to this Website without an explicit and written permission of the Owner.

The Website may contain advertisements from the Owner or third-party enterprises, as well as other material with promotional content, purpose, and character.

In the case of third party advertisements, the Site Owner does not control the content of these advertisements and is therefore not liable towards the Users for the content of these advertisements in respect of any illegal acts or omissions, inaccuracies or inability to comply with laws and regulations of any country or the European Union in relation to the content of these advertisements. This liability lies solely with advertisers, sponsors and/or creators of the displayed promotional material.

The Website provides access to third party websites through appropriate links. These links are intended solely for the convenience of Users of the Site, and the websites to which they refer are subject to the respective terms of use of these websites. The existence of the links is not a sign of approval or acceptance of the content of the respective websites by the Owner, who does not bear any responsibility for their content nor about the privacy practices or the accuracy of the materials therein. The Owner has no control over web pages owned by third parties or their content, which are accessed or made available through this Website and as a result the Owner does not support, finance, advise or otherwise accept any responsibility for these web pages or their content. If the User decides to use any of the third party websites through the links of the Website, he/she understands that he/she does so on his/her own responsibility.

Personal Data Protection Policy
The Website complies with the applicable legislation on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, and the processing requirements stipulated therein.

In case the User contacts the Owner via the Website (for example by submitting a comment, or an expression of interest), his/her personal data shall be processed in a database kept with  hausarch General Partnership, in its capacity as controller, pursuant to the standards of the applicable laws on the protection of personal data. By submitting their data, the Users provide their express and unconditional consent to  hausarch General Partnership, in order to register and process their personal data in accordance with the applicable laws (name, mobile phone number and e-mail address of the User). The Users’ personal data is processed only to the extent deemed strictly necessary, in order for the Owner to reply or contact the User individually, following the respective User’s question/comment to the Owner.

The data provided by Users is not disclosed to third parties and is in no way made public or in any way exploited.

Moreover, the Owner may disclose personal data of Users in the following cases:

When it has the express content of Users to publish their data in any way, or
If such disclosure is required by law, a court order or any other government or regulatory authority.
Furthermore, pursuant to applicable law, the User may – in his/her capacity as data subject – exercise the rights provided by the applicable law (right to data portability, right to be duly informed, to access, rectify and object to the processing of his/her personal data). In case the User wishes to exercise his/her rights, a relevant e-mail should be sent to

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